Bouquet With Roses


Bouquet With Roses is an original piece painted for my solo exhibition in Montreal. The exhibition examined the theme of "Study in the Arts". This particular painting was one of three still lifes painted for the show.

The still life represents a long-standing tradition in painting, and has been revisited by contemporary artists in the form of abstractions, photography and even performance pieces and installations.

For this piece I drew upon my classical artistic training with the Atelier de Bresoles to breathe a sense of tradition to the work. The dark background, the brushwork within it and the desaturated hues of the leaves and stems maintain the feel of the more surrealist work I typically create, while the vivid reds and bright cream petals retain the gaze.

This piece is sold accompanied by an authenticity certificate.

Oil on Masonite panel
20 x 24in.

For viewing, please book an appointment by email.

Professional framing is recommended for this piece as Masonite can bend with humidity fluctuations. This movement is normal and does not affect the work of art.

Shipping costs may be elevated because they cover shipping insurance for the piece's retail value, a large resistant box, extra packaging to preserve the work's integrity, and a tracking number.